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Obtaining Access Token

To access a resource after discovering from the catalogue, a consumer should obtain Access Token using IUDX Authorisation Servers Create Token APIs.

A consumer can use the clientID and clientSecret obtained through Registration

Obtaining token for an OPEN resource?

After discovering an Open resource from Catalogue, a consumer can obtain a token using the Create Token APIs with the following request body. Make sure that the appropriate resource server id is used to obtain a token.

"itemId": "",
"itemType": "resource_server",
"role": "consumer"

Obtaining token for a SECURE resource?

After discovering an Secure resource from Catalogue, a consumer can obtain a token using the Create Token APIs with the following request body. Make sure that the appropriate resource (or) resource_group id is used to obtain a token.

"itemId": "",
"itemType": "resource_group",
"role": "consumer"

It is to be noted that unless an explicit policy is specified by the Provider in the IUDX Authorisation Server a consumer will not obtain any access token.